Seasonal Productivity of Colonies of Honeybees, Apis mellitera adansonii (Hymenoptera: Apidae) under Natural Environmental Conditions in Lagos, Nigeria
FASASI, K. A. and MALAKA, S. L. O.
Natural environmental conditions such as temperatures, relative humidity and hive temperatures were monitored in relation to colonies productivity. Hive temperatures (28.0 – 40.3 °C) of colonized hives were generally higher than the air temperatures (26.0-33.3 °C) in both dry and wet seasons. However, temperatures of uncolonized hives (25.3 – 31.7 °C) were lower than the air temperatures. In the wet season, when the average air temperature was 26.0 – 29.3 °c and the average relative humidity (R.H) was 59.7 % – 74.7 %, the yield of honey and beeswax from each of the hives ranged between 0.5 and 1.0 kg. The yield of honey and beeswax in the dry season was comparatively higher (4.0 – 13.5 kg) at air temperatures ranging from 28.0 to 33.3 °c and 53.3 %, 69.7 % relative humidity. The honey flow period of colonies of Apis mellifera adansonii was February to May while the peak period of honey and beeswax production was April. The results of this study revealed that seasonal variations in air temperature and humidity influenced the productivity of colonies of A. mellifera adansonii.