Studies on Culex pipiens Complex and the filarial Parasite, Brugia pahangi
ABSTRACT: Artificial membrane-feeding technique and a method for rearing and selection of mosquitoes for studying the susceptibility of Culex pipiens to filarial parasite, Brugia pahangi are described. The genes red-eyed (re) and sb (gene in C. pipiens controlling susceptibility to B. pahangi) are recessive and located in the chromosome bearing the sex-determining locus (m), Whereas a Malayan strain of C. p. fatigans was completely refractory, C. p . molestus (London strain) showed 33.3 – 45 % susceptibility to B. pahangi. A red-eyed C. pipiens strain susceptible to B. pahangi was obtained by hybridisation between C. p. molestus (London strain) and C. p . fatigans (Bobo Diculasso strain).