Authors it is mandatory to stick firmly to the following:
• Only unpublished and original manuscripts should be submitted.
• Submitting a manuscript to more than one journal concurrently is tagged unethical.
• Any conflict of interest must be clearly stated.
• Say NO to plagarism, acknowledge the sources of data used in the manuscript development.
• Quickly communicate all errors you discovered in the manuscript after submission to the Editor.
Reviewers must substantiate the following:
• That all manuscripts based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, citizenry, race nor political values of author(s) were fairly reviewed.
• That during the review process, any observed conflict of interest have been passed on to the Editor.
• That confidentiality of all information pertaining to the manuscript is maintained.
• That any information that may be the justification for the rejection of publication of a manuscript is shared with the Editor.
Editors must corroborate the following:
• That all manuscripts are appraised in fairness based on the intellectual content of the paper regardless of neither gender, ethnicity, religion, citizenry, race nor political values of authors.
• That the confidentiality of the information pertaining to manuscripts are adhered to.
• That any conflict of interest observed in relation to manuscripts must be disclosed.
• The responsibility for making publication decisions for the submitted manuscripts is taken by the Editorial Board based on the reviewer’s evaluation of the manuscript, policies of the journal’s editorial board and legal restrain acting against libel, plagiarism and copyright infringement.