The ecology and distribution of the cowpea leafhopper, Empoasca dolichi Paol i in southwestern Nigeria



ABSTRACT: Studies on the ‘seasonal abundance of Empoasca dolichi on cowpea at the University of Ibadan revealed its preponderance between September and November when the main cowpea crop is usually grown. More E. dolichi were caught on cowpea plants during the reproductive than during the vegetative phases of growth. At the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, pigoen pea, Pueraria, Centrosema, Lima bean, Soyabean, and Amaranthus spp. were identified as alternative hosts of E. dolichi . E. doiichi occurs on cowpea in the rainforest, derived savanna and guinea savanna ecological zones III which cowpea is usually growth in southwestern Nigeria. Field parasitisation of E. dolichi by a dryinid, Aphetoous sp. was generally low in all the sites.

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