
This Nigerian Journal of Entomology (NJE), published by the Entomological Society of Nigeria
(ESN) has remained a formidable platform for reporting recent investigations in insect science.
As a platform, it has continued to promote the importance of insects in diverse ways; either as
functional members of the natural or artificial ecosystem, potential food and feed supplements for humans and livestock or as pests and their management efforts. Through apt and timely reports of intensive research, reviews, conferences, symposia, exhibitions and general pest control at various levels, the publications in the NJE have made considerable contributions to knowledge and their impacts are felt worldwide.

The NJE had been able to surmount some of the initial challenges in the publishing process. While a holistic solution to solving the remaining residual challenges are on-going, one approach is to partner with international press with the hope of internationalizing the publishing process.

Professor Adebayo A. Omoloye FESN, JP
Editor-in -Chief