Effects’ of Agricultural Practices on the Populations of Two Grasshopper Pests, Acrotylus blondeli Saussure and Arnithacris cavroisi (Finot)




ABSTRACT: Effects of farming practices namely, continuous cropping, crop rotation, cattle grazing, afforestation and fallowing on two grasshopper pests, Acrotylus blondeli Saussure’and Orithacris cavroisi (Finot) were investigated for the period 1987 – 1989 in the northern Sudan savanna of Nigeria. Advanced afforestation and intensive cultivation adversely affected grasshopper populations.’O. cavroisi was more tolerant of afforestation but more adversely affected by cultivation than A. blondeli. Intensification of :tallow, grazing and trampling of a field by the cattle did not adversely affect;’ the breeding of the grasshoppers.

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