Effect of Plant Spacing ·on Pepper Veinal Mottle Virus Disease in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria
Experiments on the effect of plant spacing (60 x 30cm, 60 x 35cm, 60 x 40cm, 60 x 45cm, 60 x 50cm, 60 x 55cm, 60 x 60cm,) or. the incidence and severity of PVMV disease were conducted for the period of 1991-1993 at Samaru (Northern Guinea savanna zone). The wider the spacing, the more the percentage of virus infected plants and the mean number of alate aphids trapped. A positive correlation was established between plant spacing and the following factors: PVMV-infected plants, disease severity and mean number of alate aphids trapped but a negative correlation was observed between spacing and fruit yield. Spacing of 60 x 30cm was not desirable due to lodging and subsequent attack by termites. Therefore plant spacing of 60 x 35cm is recommended for pepper at Samaru as against the earlier recommendation of 60 x 45cm.