Epidemiology of Groundnut Rosette Virus at Samaru, Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria.



ABSTRACT: Epidemiology of groundnut rosette virus (GRV) was investigated over a three -year period at Samaru, Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. Significant positive correlations were obtained for the following: incidence of GRV and number of alate aphids trapped; temperature and age of plants; temperature and number of alate aphids trapped; relative humidity and incidence of GRV. Conversely, a significant negative correlation was obtained between age of plants and’ number of alate aphids trapped; relative humidity and number of alate aphids trapped; and relative humidity and sunshine hours. Seventy percent of the aphids trapped were A. craccivora, while the proportion of A. jabae, A. gossypii and M. persicae were 15, 9 and 6%, respectively. The susceptible groundnut genotype, 48-1158, had the highest incidence of aphids and GRV disease, followed in descending order by the moderately resistant RRB and the resistant RMP91 genotypes.

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