Efficacy of Apron Star in the Control of Pests of Maize in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria



ABSTRACT: Apron Star (trimethioxam 20% metalaxyl 34%, difenonazole 2%) (AS) at various rates was evaluated along with Apron Plus (metalaxyl 10%, carboxin 6.0%, furathiocarb 34%), a conventional seed dressing chemical. Major seedling pests observed were the bird species: Columba guinea, Streptopelia decipiens and S. senegalensis and a millipede, Peridontopyge spinosissima. The two chemicals were lethal to millipedes and were antifeedant to birds. Treated seeds had significantly (P < 0.05) greater seedling emergence, more vigorous plant growth, higher numbers of harvestable maize cobs and higher grain yields than the untreated control. Apron Star at 3.5g a.i/kg maize seed was found to be as effective as Apron Plus (AP) at 109 a.i/kg maize seed with respect to pest control level and other parameters.

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