Forensic Entomology and Humanity
PREAMBLE. There have been a few instances when t came by human corpses on our highways. One was on my way to’ Ahuja from Calabar through Benue State, and the other, was in Calabar. In the latter .instance the. corpse was that of a young well-dressed man. He ,had been dead for a couple of days and was at the time ‘bloated, ‘. What caused his death?: When did he die? These are questions the authorities ‘would ask. At another instance in Lagos, I .saw a charred human corpse by the wayside. I am sure you all have your: experiences and stories to tell. Today.we are not .going to talk of the criminal neglect of authorities towards these corpses. These neglects have led to unsolved homicide cases’ ‘that haunt our sensibilities, the police and other security, agencies.