Annual Trends of Honeybee Activities and Their Correlation with Some Hive Characteristics in the Southern Guinea Savannah Vegetation Zone of Nigeria



ABSTRACT: The study was conducted between November 2009 and October 2010 on eight randomly selected hives from two different apiaries in Borin (Kwara State) and Ogbomosho (Oyo State). All selected hives were put under surveillance and inspected fortnightly to document hive weight, hive bee population, comb building, proportion of comb capped and propolis texture/feel as well as availability. The estimated mean monthly bee population per hive in OGB.FI and II ranged between 9.362.5 ±1.00, 10.675.0 ±0.42 while those of ILR.FI and II ranged between 8,875.0 ±0.28 and 10, 787.3 ±1.33. In addition, the annual trend of Capped comb proportion attains its peak i.e. slightly above 80% in April. Also, the overall weight gain in Ogbomosho farm (39.38 kg) was higher that the value(38.12 kg) recorded in Ilorin farm while the monthly trend of moisture and elasticity levels in the propolis at the two locations were similar. Propolis was dryer and less elastic between November 2009 and January 2010, more hydrateds and elastic therefore, more sticky, between February and May 2010. The correlation analyses indicated that proportion of capped comb cells was positively correlated with weight gain in both Ilorin (0.94) and Ogbomoso (0.84). Beekeepers in this zone, particularly at Ilorin and Ogbomoso towns, should plan to harvest their hive between February and Mayas this is the honey production period.
Keywords: Annual, Trends, Honeybee, Hive, Characteristics

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