A study of the diurnal activity of Glossina palpalis R.D. (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Niger State, Nigeria using the Challier and Leveissiere trap



ABSTRACT: The trap design of Challier and Laveissiere (1973) was used in constructing five similar biconical traps for the study of diurnal activity of G.p. palpalis. The traps were sited near River Mainyara in Shaffini area of Niger State, within the Guinea Savanna zone of Nigeria. A ‘total of 3,983 G.p. palpalis were caught during 12 days of continuous hourly trapping from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily in August, 1976. The number of flies caught increased from morning to 2 p.m. and decreased during late afternoon. Between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., approximately 93% of the total were trapped. 40% of the flies caught were hungry and 2% teneral. Almost two-thirds of the catch were females, 12% of them pregnant. 47.38% of all flies caught were in the trap which was situated near a cattle track.

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