Assessment of Beetles Diversity and Abundance in Forest Edge and Grassland Ecosystems of Ngel-Nyaki Forest Reserve

NJE Vol. 40(2): 154-162, 2024


Liatu C. Garba, Stephen D. Titus*, Emmanuel Allahnanan, Saveni O. Yusuf, Kute Annah, Delphine L. David and Obadiah S. Yusuf

Department of Biological Sciences, Taraba State University, P.M.B 1167, Jalingo, Taraba State

Correspondence email:         ORCID: 0000-0002-6298-5015

This survey of beetles abundance and diversity was conducted at the Nigerian Montane Forest Project, Ngel-Nyaki Forest Reserve (NMFP). The study aimed to assess the abundance and diversity of beetles at the Ngel-Nyaki Forest Reserve located at Latitude 7°05′ N and Longitude 11°04′ E. It was carried out for one month from September to October 2021. Stratified sampling method was used to divide the study location into two major habitats; forest fragment and grassland and subsequently plots. A total of 200m line transect was established each on the selected habitat types. Pitfall traps were placed at 50m intervals along a 200m transect for the selected habitats. Hand-pick was adopted for beetle collection along the line transects. Sample collections were carried out in the morning and in the evening between the hours of 6 am and 8pm respectively. A total of 233 beetles were collected consisting of 24 species. The highest species diversity was recorded in the grassland (H’= 2.65). The relative Abundance is 0.69 and 0.3 from the 2 habitats. The Abundance of beetles in the forest reserve contributes to the ecosystem of the forest.

Keywords: Assessment, Abundance, Beetle, Diversity, Forest, Ngel-Nyaki

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