Proximate Composition and Consumers’ Perceptions on Grasshopper (Zonocerus variegatus) Consumption in Kano State Metropolis, Nigeria

NJE Vol. 40(2): 178-195, 2024


Wudil, B. S*, Sanda, N. B., Abuhuraira A., Adamu, S. H. Khadija, H. J., Bashir H. Y., Rumanat, I. S., Amira, S. A. and Sule, H.

Department of Crop Protection, Bayero University, Kano Nigeria PMB 3011, BUK, Kano

Correspondence      ORCID: 0000-0002-2603-5872

Entomophagy is the term used to describe eating or utilization of insects for food or feed. A study was conducted to evaluate the proximate composition and consumers’ perception on grasshopper consumption as nutrient source. Structured questionnaires were administered in some selected Markets in Kano Municipal and Nassarawa local Government areas of Kano State. Sixty (60) Grasshopper consumers were randomly selected and the proximate composition and nutritional potential of edible grasshopper was collected. Data were collected and analyzed using descriptive analysis and results were presented in percentages and frequency distribution. Grasshopper has 6.0% crude protein and 58% carbohydrates. Majority of the people (66.6%) eats grasshopper among which are females (56%), married (60%) and youths (38.3%) are the dominant consumers of grasshopper. Hot water (36.7%) and salt water (18.3%) were the prominent pre-treatment methods used by the processors. On metal toxicity knowledge, about 56% of the respondents were aware of its effects and 50% have experienced some ailments while 50% reported vomiting as the common ailment. Conclusively, a lot of Hausa people residing in Kano Metropolis among other tribes accepted grasshopper as food, while females and youths are the dominant actors. It is therefore recommended that people should be sensitized on the modern rearing methods of grasshopper and the risks in wild harvested grasshopper especially pesticides contamination. More so, there is need to explore on the sources of the grasshopper sold in the markets.

Keywords: Grasshopper; Nutritive Value; Food Safety; Edible Insects; Consumer Perception and Socio-economic

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