MOLTA, N.B., GADZAMA, N.M. and STANSFIELD, F.: The susceptibility of a mosquito species (Culex pipiens quinquefasclatus) to the insecticides, malathion, DDT and UBMT in the Sudan savanna zone of Nigeria
NWANA, I.E.: Flight activity of some Heteraptera in a Nigerian cocoa farm
MBATA, G.N. : A survey of the incidence and abundance of insect pests of stored groundnuts in the Ibadan area of Nigeria
AJAKAIYE, C.O. and BAWO, A.: Comparison of the chemical composition of Trinervitermes geminatus (Wasmann) with that of its feed
MANAWADU, D. and SHARAR, H.: Review of insects associated with cowpea: the case of Maiduguri in the semi-arid zone of Nigeria